Sunday, September 2, 2012

About Me

I am currently the Grants and Professional Development Coordinator for the California Technology Assistance Project in Region 10 (RIMS CTAP). I work out of the San Bernardino County Office of Education, supporting teachers and administrators in the effective implementation of instructional technology tools. Over the past several years, I have been involved in spearheading the development of several professional development programs in my region, including Integrating Technology for English Language Learners (iTELL), Technology Integration Coaching, Data Academies and a workshop series about the use of interactive technologies called Digital Classroom. In addition, I provide the “technology pieces” in our county Common Core training in English Language Arts.

Over the past two years, I have been involved in piloting and then serving on the Curriculum Committee for Leading Edge Certification for the Online and Blended Teacher, which is a 60 hour course in the pedagogy of online instruction. We see this as a first step towards a credential authorization to help ensure that teachers of online courses have the proper preparation and exposure to instructional strategies to be effective in the online environment. I coordinate the delivery of Leading Edge Certification in RIMS, and help to provide training for other LEC trainers around the state. 

I am also an Adjunct Instructor at University of La Verne. I teach a class called "Learning Technologies for Educators", which is a required course for a teaching credential. I teach the class in a fully online environment, and I love exposing my students to educational applications of various Web 2.0 tools. I also like the fact that I am helping to dispel the myth that online courses are impersonal and lack communication and collaboration, as I have different student groupings on different projects, and model both synchronous and asynchronous communication tools. 

I have a Bachelors of Science degree from Indiana State University in Elementary Education, and a Masters degree in Educational Technology from California State University, San Bernardino. My Masters project in 1997 involved helping districts write Technology Use Plans. Since then, I have received my administrative credential, and have worked in county administration for the past 10 years. I began the Doctor of Educational Technology program at Boise State University in Fall 2012, with an anticipated completion date of Spring, 2017. My primary areas of interest are online learning and the needs of English Language Learners in the online environment.

My interests outside of work and school include traveling, reading, gardening and cooking. I enjoy exploring different cultures and environments, and spending time in out-of-the-way “local” spots as I travel. With grown children, my husband and I now have more opportunities to explore areas we enjoy, such as Mexico, and visit places we’ve only dreamed about, such as Africa. My garden changes every year, but always starts out organized and ends up wild and overabundant. I try to implement at least 2-3 new recipes every month, and sometimes manage 2-3 in a given week. Everyone in my family is a Dodger fan, and I try to get to several games every year. And just in case I wasn't busy enough, I am currently training for a half-marathon!