Friday, August 24, 2012

ch ch ch ch Changes

The last month or so has been a challenge. Teaching two online courses, starting to train for a half-marathon, finishing my Leading Edge Certification, taking care of my Dad and getting ready for a doctoral program... finding time to stop and reflect has not been easy. But as I look forward towards the next phase, I again remind myself to stop and take a look at things, and learn from both what has worked and what has not. And to breathe. Again. Or maybe just take a deep breath before jumping into the deep end!

The journey in front of me is huge, and the destination is far away. But as long as I can remember that the journey IS the reward, I can make the most of every single interaction; every conversation, every reading, every a-ha that I encounter. I face an amazing opportunity to learn from and with some fascinating people, with worldviews and experiences that I know nothing about. It's time to work on nurturing relationships rather than just sticking to myself and my comfort zones and grow those connections.

Green watering can
Image from Open Clip Art Library

The grass is always greener where you water it. Time to fill up my bucket and get to work!

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