Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Right Tool for the Right Job

Image licensed from PresenterMedia
Now that I'm several months into my new position, I'm starting to take charge of my own organization, and customizing the work flows and reports expected by my supervisors to fit better with my style. As I read more by school site leaders, I'm also starting to incorporate suggestions that seem to me to be a match to my goals and expectations for myself. I decided the best approach to using any given tool is to just jump in and use it, so here's what I've been using to improve my administration and management:

I am now carrying my iPad everywhere in  my rounds on campus. So many times over the past 5 months carrying a clipboard I've wanted to capture and image with a note - now I can do that. I've already decided that my iPad and cover is pretty heavy, so I'm looking at other options that will make it more portable and easier to use.

I am starting to use Evernote as a daily administrative log, based on a post by J. Robinson in the 21st Century Principal blog. I have created a little template for observations that matches what one of my principals expects, and I paste in that text for every classroom I visit. I can check off boxes for what I see, and add my notes. I'm still transferring it to a hand-written form afterwards, but since that allows me to clarify my thoughts and add constructive suggestions, I'm okay with that (for now).

I've been using Twitter a lot over the past few months, posting 2-3 times per week about things happening at the school. Now that I'm carrying my iPad, I'm finding it easier to compose a tweet while I'm in a classroom. Which means I'm in a far better position to share the great things that students and teachers are doing, every single day.

I now start my day with a list of to-dos. This involves a quick calendar review, and a scan of everything sitting on my desk (or email) that needs action. I have been doing it on paper and crossing things off, but my preference is certainly to go digital. So I'm trying Wunderlist, on the recommendation of some blog I can't recall at the moment. This one is new to me, but I've got hopes. I used to use Do It (Tomorrow), which was decent but didn't meet my needs at the time. I might go back to that one as well, and see which one is best for my current situation.

1 comment:

  1. i've been using Wunderlist for two years and find it a life saver. The ability to write notes for each task as well as re-order tasks makes this a useable tool. However, i love the ability to share lists with others. Some lists i only share with single person, like my admin assistant. other lists are shared with groups.

    i'd used and discarded too many digital list apps over the years, but wunderlist is a keeper.

