Monday, January 16, 2012

Just Let Me Sing

Most of us know the story of Susan Boyle, the unemployed 47-year-old woman in England who won the UK version of Idol. But if you haven't seen her first audition, you really ought to take a look at

First impressions can be deceiving. In Susan Boyle's audition, the giggles and rolling eyes show how physical characteristics and mannerisms can stack the deck against an individual. Amanda Holden's comment after the performance really resonated with me - we all need that wake up call.

This is one of the reason's I think online education has so much potential for some students. Instructors and students can hear each others' voices through their online presence, without the distractions that a physical presence can sometimes create. Shy students, those with physical handicaps, those with language barriers might all find their voices in the online environment.

Online education isn't for everyone, or isn't for everyone all the time. But for some students, the online environment allows their voice to sing.

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