Friday, January 13, 2012

Which comes first, the teaching or the learning?

There are teachers who believe their instruction is driven by the content. It is the teacher’s job to teach, and the student’s job to learn. These teachers believe that they know their content extremely well, and it is the students’ responsibility if they do not learn it. The focus is on delivery of content.

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In contrast, there are teachers who believe that their instruction is driven by student learning needs, and if students do not learn, it is their responsibility to teach it differently. The focus is on the receipt of content.

I strive to be the latter kind of teacher. It’s not easy – it certainly takes more time to find multiple ways to deliver content, and provide individual support! And yet, it is my job to help people learn, more than just to teach. It is not good enough just to broadcast my knowledge and passion, I need to make sure that it connects with my audience. Learners of all ages deserve to have instruction in a variety of modalities, and teachers who make every attempt to connect with them, share their knowledge, and help them construct knowledge themselves. 

I have had some amazing students over the years. I have learned something new from each and every student that I have managed to connect with.  In order to continue to grow as an educator and as a person, I need to continue to connect, continue to learn, and continue to help others learn. In whatever way works best for them.

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