Monday, September 30, 2013

Step by Step

I am not a linear learner. Following step by step directions is not my strong suit, to say the least. Putting together furniture is an adventure that involves figuring out for myself the best order to assemble, sometimes using trial and error. So when I started exploring SPSS statistics software, I just jumped in with both feet and started playing. 

But last week I was stuck waiting for a meeting to start, and desperate for something to do, so I started reading through the SPSS Survival Guide on my iPad. Turns out I was missing a lot using my non-linear strategy!  I kept thinking, "Wow! It can do THAT?"

So now I'm following some of the exercises in the book. Not all, of course, that would be crazy! But being able to play with the numbers, sort in different ways, and identify patterns is the fun stuff, and I was missing that. Those are also the skills I'm going to need in order to conduct research, analyze results, and publish anything that will have any value. 

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