Sunday, September 1, 2013

First Day of School

It has been a long time since I've had "first day of school jitters." Working at the County Office on a year-round schedule, first days of school held little relevance beyond the ways we scheduled training with our districts. But this year, returning to a school site (well, two school sites!), I had the opportunity to experience again the excitement and fear that come with new beginnings.

My first day of work was the first day of school. I had met the principal, but none of the teachers and of course none of the students. I am new to the district, and new to the role of assistant principal. I knew I was walking in blind, and I knew I would be expected to know a variety of things and address a variety of issues that were completely foreign to me. What could be less comfortable? And yet, I was so excited to just jump in to the deep end, and hope I could figure out how to swim!

It's definitely been a long week, and I know I've got many more long days and weeks ahead of me before I get my feet firmly underneath me. But it is so much fun to come home at the end of the energized with all of the new things I've learned, the new students and teachers I've met, and challenges I've conquered. I can't wait to continue!

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